Lessons from Labour history
• MARY Davis’s excellent book Comrade or Brother deserves a reprint (CNJ Review July 30). It’s a timely reminder of the active role that trade unions will need to play under a Tory government. And they will only be effective if they pursue a democratic, militant and independent path as signposted by their recent positive response to the defiant Vestas occupation on the Isle of Wight.
Mary also mentioned the People’s Charter for Change. The original 19th-century Chartists effectively called for a new social and political system and today’s Charter echoes the six key points in calling for real change if we are to move away from “Bankers Britain” towards a “Peoples Britain” in the future.
People in Camden know only too well the effects of privatisation on local NHS and council services and the Charter’s aim of one million signatures offers only the starting point for a collective effort to build a fairer Britain – a Britain in which in which trade union rights are secure.
The People's Charter will be holding a launch meeting in Camden in the autumn, please go to our website for more details www.thepeoplescharter.com.
Dave Welsh,
Foundling Court,
Brunswick Centre, WC1