Hope for housing cash, but not yet
HOUSING minister John Healey has announced plans to hand money raised in council tenants’ rent back to the Town Hall – but the proposal will take months to become a reality.
Mr Healey said on Tuesday that he wants to “dismantle” the Housing Revenue Account, the national fund which scoops up the rent paid by council tenants across the country.
Under the proposal, Mr Healey would allow local authorities like Camden to keep its rent and spend it on maintaining estates.
But because the policy has gone out to consultation, it will not be put into practice until next spring at the earliest.
The government is already at odds with the Town Hall over council housing with Camden blaming ministers for withholding money to refurbish estates. The lack of investment has seen the Lib Dem and Conservative council embarking on a controversial sell-off of council homes to raise funds.
A public meeting is to be held at the Town Hall on Monday night at 7pm to discuss the issue. Frank Dobson MP is among the scheduled speakers. |