No consultation on caretaking
• IN the June round of District Management Committees (DMCs) a question was raised about the caretaking service, of whether or not our caretakers will lose their jobs to Veolia via privatisation.
We where told no, this was not the idea, and an officer and councillor both stated they had heard nothing about this.
Why do the officers of the council and the councillors continue to treat tenants/residents with contempt?
Veolia would be taking over the cleaning side of the caretakers jobs, with caretakers able to do other duties.
After seeing a letter sent around to Camden’s workforce from a senior council officer, there clearly is another side to this story, the true side to the story.
The officer quoted to his staff, in a letter dated the July 6. the following: “In order to run the external cleaning scheme using Veolia, we would need to reduce our caretaking workforce by about a quarter. “We propose to reduce the number of staff by six on site supervisor posts, 40 non resident caretakers and all 14.5 estate cleaner posts.”
Tenants/residents have not given the council a mandate, nor have we been consulted over these plans, which are going to be discussed this month at the executive meeting.
The DMC’s next meet in September, so when exactly where we going to get consulted?
Aspern Grove, NW3