
Amelia Worth, Gordana Knese and Connie Reno |
Like a phoenix: School damaged by fire swells coffers with fun fair
A PRIMARY school decimated by fire one year ago took another step closer to renovation last week with a fund-raising summer fair.
The Rosary RC school on Haverstock Hill is still waiting on funding from the Primary Capital Programme for a planned state-of-the-art solar-powered building to house nursery and reception classes. The church school, which is expected to match whatever funding it receives, bolstered the coffers with a day of face-painting, bouncy castles, and food stalls on Saturday.
A football and T-shirt signed by the entire Arsenal team raised hundreds in an auction for the cause.
Plant sales, strawberries and cream, tombola and a lucky dip all helped to collect a total of £5,600 for the new building.
The reception year is currently taught in a Portakabin in the school playground and the nursery experiences such extremes of temperature it has to be shut at the height of summer and winter.
School dinners for part of the school are prepared in a former classroom. But there may be a few more summer fairs to go – funding from the Primary Capital Programme is not expected to come through until at least 2011. |