Invest in caretakers to ensure value for money
• WELL done for championing the cause of local caretakers (Caretakers to get brush-off? June 18).
I was absolutely appalled to read of continuing council plans to privatise current estate services.
Having spoken to a number of my neighbours, we were certainly never “polled” about this proposal on College Place.
Caretakers play such an important role in our community and are known and cherished by all residents; whether it’s looking out for the vulnerable or monitoring anti-social behaviour, their valued contribution extends far beyond their remit. The prospect of the council farming out yet another one of our services to a profit-making company is a complete disgrace.
Does Councillor Chris Naylor really understand how angry tenants are about this?
I don’t think he does.
If the council believes that (some) residents want better value for money, then invest the money that Veolia would otherwise pocket as profit into the training and pay of our existing caretakers.
Hartland, NW1