Danger junction
• WE are grateful for your coverage of the dangerous crossing at Marchmont Street/ Tavistock Place (‘We need action fast at three-second crossing junction, May 29).
This has been a continuing saga since 2006, and we have been lobbying, as ward councillors throughout this time, with the local community.
Sadly, the safety at this junction has been damaged by the arrival of the segregated cycle lane. While everyone would like to see more cyclists on the road, this particular junction, and the particular layout chosen, has made it extremely dangerous.
One of our site visits was with those organising the ongoing cycle lane improvements (known as CRISP).
Promises were made that things would be improved and then – hey presto – when Boris Johnson became mayor in 2008 the money for CRISP was withdrawn, and we were back to square one.
In the short term, it would be a great help to have some notices up around the junction saying “Beware, dangerous junction”. Cyclists need to be reminded that the traffic lights in their cycle lane mean what they say – when red, stop. It is only by cars, pedestrians and cyclists being considerate to one another that we can prevent further accidents. Camden urgently needs to meet Transport for London to address the issue of speeding vehicles in the area as well.
Labour, Bloomsbury ward
Cllr Jonathan Simpson
Labour, King’s Cross ward