Cyclists wreck tranquillity on the towpath
• LESTER May is right to be concerned about “yobs” on the canal (Pranksters? They’re yobs June 18). However, along the stretch of towpath between Camden Lock and Regents Park, he is more likely to be mown down by a cyclist than thrown into the water by a gang of yobs!
Irresponsible cyclists, are the cause: the flat surface of narrow canal towpath, is evidently an open invitation for some cyclists to behave badly.
The tranquillity and charm of the walk along the towpath is virtually destroyed by the number of irresponsible and selfish cyclists who do not sound their bells to warn pedestrians of their approach and who respond to requests to slow down or ring their bells with rudeness and sometimes, abuse.
Most do not bother to implement the “two tings” rule if they do have them.
The British Waterways regulations state quite clearly that pedestrians have priority on the towpath and that responsible or “considerate” cycling is permitted. The towpath should be shared amicably between pedestrians and cyclists alike.
It has proved very difficult to contact anyone at British Waterways to discuss the matter, and I have come to the conclusion that as long as they stick up a copy of the regulations on the wall they have covered themselves.
Finally, I would like to thank the small number of careful and considerate cyclists who adhere to the rules. Thus, we can all benefit from the pleasures and benefits of the canal.
Your comments:
I could not agree more with Ruth's dismay at cyclists. As a cyclist myself I am astonished at the lack of respect shown to fellow human beings and the laws of the road by many cyclists. Cycling is a fantastic way to travel around this city and there's no better way...but to then take the stance that you are above the law and have right to travel anywhere appears to me much more to do with individual's attitudes to each other. A little respect and we can all get along and no where is this more evident than along the towpath with two tings and a gentle 'thank you'...or at traffic lights where road users are held at red which means STOP for those who clearly do not understand. I often wonder how cyclists would feel if cars and motorbikes started jumping lights like they do. Is life really that short that people can't just wait two minutes watching everyone else dash about and then you're off again ...Is it really too much to ask? Do these cyclists think about families and friends or the driver that could hit them and worse still could kill them...! I fear the only result will be a banning of cycles on tow paths, more restrictions in public open spaces or even registration of all cycles for identification. All for those who think they can, and also because the majority say nothing and hope it goes away. I think we'd all feel better if there was a crack down... more police on bikes watching bikes and improving life for all users of roads and paths alike.
Paul |