Please let them upgrade our property
• I AM amazed you can print a story (Dump outside homes for five years, June 11) without even checking the facts.
I am on the Tybalds Tenants Association and have been on and off for the past 20 years.
First of all let me advise you that Tony Coates was asked by Tybalds Tenants Association to leave as he was very disruptive and behaved in a very hostile manner towards the committee.
Secondly, the three gentlemen photographed with him have never been to any of our meetings. How many people in Windmill actually belong to their tenants’ association and how many know the reasons why we asked him to leave?
Thirdly I would like to add that I also live opposite Windmill in Blemundsbury and we have contractors’ cars in the middle of our flats but, to be honest, if we want Lakehouse and Camden Council to upgrade and maintain our property, please let them do it.
We have been advised throughout the procedures so far and all our other tenants – 200 flats in all – have agreed to this. Also I don’t know where these men live but we do not have deliveries before 8am; there is hardly any dust, no more than uusual.
Muidur Rahman should come and talk to us when he has the chance instead of just jumping on the bandwagon.
Can I ask the people featured in the photograph: are they going to have their flats done? We are all fed up with these people moaning on behalf of a very small percentage of Tybald estate tenants.
The TTA would like to invite these people to our next meeting. I am really fed up with people who want to take things, but don’t want the mess. Well sorry, but that doesn’t happen.
Brenda Holden
Dombey Street, WC1