Why voting for an authoritarian, fascist party is no answer
• IT’S no good various political parties (and others) just telling people not to vote for the British National Party.
Reasons have to be given for why they shouldn’t.
The present mood of despair and anger among the population is shown in the disillusionment with a corrupt parliament, the cynicism about billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money being used to prop up a crumbling banking system, money being wasted on keeping our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan instead of letting the people of those countries decide their own future, and countless other things.
But voting for the BNP is not the answer.
The BNP will put forward any populist promises that will gain them power. But if ever they achieve that power, people would see a very different side to them. They are a completely authoritarian, fascist political party.
No dissent or opposition would be tolerated. It would be ruthlessly suppressed.
This is what people in Germany found out in the 1930s. The Nazi party promised much the same as the BNP is promising today, and look what the consequences were.
The election on Thursday June 4 will have far-reaching results, so stop and think hard first.
Name and address supplied, N19