We’re not losing Charlie’s name
• FURTHER to last week’s letter and article concerning the Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre (For Charlie Ratchford – page 15 and ‘This really isn’t a proper way to remember Charlie’ page 19) – We would like to take this opportunity to clarify the exact situation regarding the name of the future resource centre.
We feel it is therefore important to reassure everyone that there are no plans to change the name of the new resource centre.
The new centre will remain as the Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre.
This rumour that the name is to be changed has arisen from a question raised by a councillor who is not involved in the project to build the new centre.
The whole ethos of this project is to build a brand new resource centre that preserve and improves upon the existing facilities and services.
We would therefore like to stress that we do not intend to lose the name Charlie Ratchford, which is valued by all who are associated with the service, both as a tribute to a great local man and as an existing centre name that represents good quality services for Camden’s older people.
I trust this clarifies the matter.
Brian Rutter & Edward Cosa.
Service User representatives
Charlie Ratchford Design User Group