Commons sense approach to reforming democracy
ARE we being fantasists to suggest reforms that we believe would make the Commons a real democratic forum?
It would be possible to apply the same pull-and-push levers to local government – that is here in Camden.
A move is gaining momentum among ordinary people for sweeping reforms. While Helena Kennedy QC is far from ordinary, her views, expressed in recent days, cover what a lot of people are talking about.
She argues that nothing can change until a voting system of proportional representation is installed.
Among other things, she would like to see a written constitution, fewer powers for party whips and extended powers for select committees.
She is also right to criticise reforms suggested by David Cameron, pointing out that politicians may promise more participation for the people, but on taking office hold tightly to power.
How can one trust parliamentary leaders to suggest reforms when it is they who have allowed parliament to sink into the mire?
Mr Cameron hasn’t got clean hands either. Why did he have to accept more than £20,000 annually to cover interest on his mortgage – a man wealthy enough to pay his own way. Fantasising perhaps, we suggest that apart from a new proportional representational system: • Parliaments – unwhipped – should last only for two years • Select parliamentary committees consisting of representatives of small businesses, trade unions and professional bodies in social welfare, education in health and the law, be given teeth by acting as watchdogs on the MPs with powers to remit legislation • An upper chamber or “Senate” of elected members along with representatives seconded from similar professional bodies as those on select committees
As for a local authority, it should have a shorter elected life – again based on proportional representation – than at present, with invigilating committees consisting of representatives of amenity bodies, tenants’ organisations, trade unions, businesses and religious organisations.
Important questions should be tested by referenda.
If this is a fantasy it is a very British one. It is based on the great forums for democracy that evolved in the civil wars of the 17th century and the movements for suffrage in the 19th century, especially among the Chartists.
Unless Parliament is reformed root-and-branch nothing will change.