Rich MPs have lost touch
In 1974 popular leader of Camden Council Millie Miller gave up 30 years of unpaid service as a councillor to work as a paid MP. Parliament then was a world away from what it is today, as her son Bernard Miller explains
SLEAZE! Corruption! Snouts in troughs! Sounds like the 1990s all over again. > more |
Royal Mail inflexibility reaches all the way to Albany St
WHILE the government is being torn apart over the future of the Royal Mail, what may be consid ered a lesser question arises over a post office in Albany Street, Regent’s Park.
To the protesters, the parliamentary battle between the unelected Peter Mandelson, who wants to semi-privatise the Royal Mail, and his opponents, nearly 150 Labour MPs, all this may seem a lot of high politics. But it is, in fact, directly linked. > more
The rights of Londoners to use the Heath must be paramount - WE support the 13 members of the Heath Consultative Committee in their opposition to the... > more
Let’s clean up the air we breathe - THERE are two modern plagues afoot just now and one of them is hard to hide from. > more
Great leisure centre, but such poor maintenance - I APPRECIATE the Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre but am concerned at how it is being run. > more
Health of democracy - ELECTIONS for the European Parliament take place next month, prompting the question: just who is the present MEP? > more
It’s time to ban tenants from keeping dogs - CAMDEN must urgently ban council tenants from owning dogs full stop, except for the elderly, perhaps. > more
In dark over short-cut - FOR those of us who live in Gospel Oak and need to go to Kentish Town there is a short-cut (saving the best part of a kilometre) via Arctic... > more
Macabre army show - I WAS one of the protesters last Wednesday outside Dingwalls, the Camden venue hired by the Zionist Federation to showcase singing members... > more
Why axe the budget? - THANK you for your excellent coverage of the lobby outside Camden town hall of Chalcot School staff who were protesting against the... > more
Parking is far from fine - AS residents of a neighbouring borough, we frequently use Camden roads but are terrified of the parking regime, and so rarely stop if we... > more
Post office under threat - I AM extremely concerned about the proposed closure of Albany Street Post Office, located in Kings Pharmacy. This closure would put... > more
Moggach’s garden magic - I HAVE to thank you for Tom Moggach’s article on growing your own (April 24). > more
Milkonomics - UNEXPECTED guests shortly arriving. Find I have run out of milk – panic! Get from local shop round the corner in West End Lane... > more |