School cuts ‘will damage teaching’
A LAST-minute cut to the budget of a specialist school will damage teaching for some of Camden’s most vulnerable pupils, councillors were told on Monday.
Governors from Chalcot School, in Harmood Street, Chalk Farm, said a £75,000 cut proposed in February for this school year could mean some staff will lose their jobs. They protested outside the Town Hall on Monday night ahead of a full council meeting. The school teaches around 50 11 to 16-year-old boys with social, behavioural and emotional difficulties.
Chairman of governors Tony Burgess said: “Such a cut is of considerable consequence in a school the size of Chalcot. It could affect curriculum delivery and it could reduce by half the present number of teaching assistants, with an impact on many activities relating to behaviour and support, which are crucial to the well-being of our pupils.”
The school had been funded for 60 pupils for several years and governors accepted that this should be reduced to reflect a roll nearer 50 pupils but challenged the timing of the cut.
Camden’s schools chief Councillor Andrew Mennear said the council had met with the school in the run-up to the budget announcement, adding: “We are keen to work with the school.” |