Torriano revolution
• AS the public inquiry to decide the fate of Torriano community pub in Kentish Town looms, the Zeitgeist of our community whips itself into a revolutionary whirl.
The global recession has shown that the world has finally awoken, just in time to see the money masters running out the door, clutching our rightful security, with no regard for mankind or planet Earth.
How do things get so out of control?
I believe it starts within each home, within each community. We have to stand up to the brutal forces that use the deadliest weapon known to mankind to bring us to our knees – money! That is why the Torriano community, unphased by the continuous threat to its way of life, and rise once again, in a show of solidarity, to say no to the developers, who have no consideration for anything other than their profit.
Well, the times they are a changin’.
Long live the Torriano
Suzi Martin
Torriano Avenue, NW5