No doubting demands for a Town Green
• CONSULTATIONS in Camden are often a pitiful affair, with a handful of respondents sending in their two pennies’ worth.
By contrast, the Town Green consultation which took place last autumn, rocked.
As indicated by the recent letters from William Nawrocki (April 2) and Beverly Gardner and Yasmin Allen (April 9), it struck a chord in Haverstock ward.
Despite a most complicated and daunting questionnaire, which seemed specifically designed to deter anyone from voting for a Town Green, 247 residents responded.
Since most of those had to request the paperwork to participate, this was no mean feat.
Over and above this massive response to the written consultation, four extensive forums were carried out at the Talacre Community Sports Centre on different evenings.
Each focus group included an average of 12 residents sitting around a table for an
in-depth discussion about how best to protect Talacre Gardens for the future.
The participants with a range of experience – from solicitors offering legal opinions, to business people, artists and writers to concerned parents – debated all aspects of the issues about protecting their park.
These included the options of relying upon Camden’s planners and their unitary development plans, the possibility of managing the park through a trust and finally, Town Green status.
You would be unlikely to find a more informed, intelligent, committed and concerned group of people anywhere in Camden.
Each and every forum resulted in a unanimous vote for a Town Green.
Whatever “cooking of the books” officers may be said to be planning behind the scenes, they won’t be able to hide the results of the forums.
Let no one be in any doubt.
Residents want a Town Green for Talacre Gardens.
They won’t shut up or go away.
For more information about issues concerning the Talacre Gardens, including the Town Green, see the Friends of Talacre Gardens website: http://talacregardens.googlepages.com/
Celine La Freniere
Talacre Road, NW5