Danger – all in the name of keeping the 393 on the road
• TRANSPORT for London are to spend more than £50,000 to make Leighton Road suitable for the 393 bus even though they originally said the road was suitable as it is.
They have now had taken away some of the central road islands which the residents fought to have installed to aid in the safe crossing of the now busy road. The islands are making difficulties for the 393 in negotiating the narrow road, they are having to swing to the other side of the road when passing them. That is not all. The road cushions designed to slow down speeding traffic are going to be reduced in width, which will mean cars will pass through with ease.
You’ve guessed it, the 393 is having difficulty in negotiating the cushions. So we now have a road going back to some of the crossings being dangerous and to the increase in speeding traffic, all in the name of keeping the 393 at all cost on Leighton Road.
Thank you TfL.
name and address supplied, NW5
• THE passion aroused by the 393 is strange.
Surely the issue is just one of convenience versus inconvenience.
For people like me who live nearer the Brecknock Road end of Leighton Road, it’s useful having a bus in our road, especially one which visits places other buses don’t. The inconvenience of the 393 is for me imperceptible. I had thought there might be trouble at the junction with Torriano Avenue on the eastward journey, but it is only a little difficult if there is a parked car rather near the junction. For those nearer to Kentish Town Road, the convenience is less, as they are nearer to a number of routes, though I notice passengers often boarding the 393 by the library, people who’ve discovered the convenience of the 393 for westbound journeys. And the lower Leighton Road residents suffer from the real problem, which is not the little 393 but the junction with Kentish Town Road, a problem which has existed for the 38 years I’ve lived in the road. The only solution is to reduce the volume of traffic in Kentish Town Road.
Let us tackle this real problem together and stop making the 393 the scapegoat.
Leighton Road, NW5