Green history of the 393
• I WAS interested to read the letter from Jenny Wright (March 12), critical of the 393 bus route along Leighton Road.
Back in the days of the Camden Transport Forum (about 12 years ago), one of the more determined supporters of wider access to buses and greater penetration of bus routes in residential areas, which formed an important part of our recommendations to Camden Council for its green transport strategy, was called Jenny Wright from Leighton Road.
Running the 393 along Leighton Road is exactly the kind of measure we all, Jenny Wright included, were advocating at that time as the only possible means of reducing car traffic.
Judging by your other letters on this subject and conversations I have had with others in the street, Jenny and the rest of us were right then, and should be proud of having recommended routes like this one.
So, come on Jenny (assuming you’re the same person) have the courage of your convictions and recognise that this bus does give a serious opportunity to reduce the rumble of traffic past your front door.
(one-time secretary of Camden Transport Forum),
Hadley Street, NW1
Net curtains and earplugs
• THE answer to the Leighton Road resident’s complaint, that passing bus passengers look into her windows, is to install frosted glass, hang venetian blinds or, my own old-fashioned preference, put up net curtains which allow you to look at passers-by without their being able to look at you.
There is an excellent little shop in the high street where you can buy these.
As for noise, which is a hazard for all city-dwellers, especially those in this area who back onto the North London line or live within earshot of Camden Market, wax earplugs cost next to nothing and are very effective.
Harmood Street, NW1
• THE reconsideration of the 393 bus route has certainly generated a heated debate in the New Journal, not least from my fellow committed cyclist Jon Snow who, while being a popular local figure, was incorrect in characterising the route’s opponents as car-lovers.
They are sincere local residents with every right to express their own point of view.
I’ve been involved at every stage and I’m the only person to have been at all three meetings in the GLA, plus the London Transport Liaison meeting with Transport for London on March 11, so I can shed some light on what is going on.
The Leighton Road Neighbourhood Association has been implacably opposed to the bus down its street.
On November 19 they had a meeting with mayor Boris Johnson’s new transport supremo, Kulveer Ranger.
At the insistence of our Barnet and Camden GLA member Brian Coleman, TfL were instructed to consult again on the bus route.
As a result, a four-page consultation is to be distributed this week to all homes within 300 metres of the existing 393 route between North Road and Chalk Farm.
Essentially, the question asked therein is whether residents support the current routeing or wish to see it changed.
The chair of the Transport Liaison Committee, Councillor Flick Rea, made it crystal clear to TfL Buses senior manager, John Barry, that he should arrange a public meeting for Leighton Road residents.
For my part, I insisted that the analysis of the consultation responses must identify separately the results from the residents of Leighton Road. At this time there is no consultation in Agar Grove.
So, those parties who are currently affected have the ability to express their preference and, hopefully, they will also have the opportunity to attend a public meeting.
Democracy in action!
Cllr Paul Braithwaite
Liberal Democrat,
Cantelowes ward
It must stay
• I AM a resident of Leighton Road and a user of the 393.
It is a very popular and much needed little bus providing an invaluable link from east to west .
Along with others in Leighton Road initially strongly objected to it, I felt it would cause our house to shake and shudder (as some large lorries do) and cause congestion.
I have been proved very wrong, no problems at all, I eat my words. Now along with others in Leighton Road I support keeping the 393.
It was suggested that there was not a sufficient demand for the route but as a regular user I know that it is frequently busy. The 393 must stay.
Leighton Road, NW5
Logical route
• THE 393 bus is so valuable just because it travels through areas not reached by other buses.
The Agar Grove route that some Leighton Road residents prefer is equally residential and cuts out all the high street destinations. Anyone can see on the map that Leighton Road is the only through route to the east of Kentish Town Road for a long stretch, and it makes a logical cross-route. The fact that the residents’ association needed to go as far as Agar Grove to find an alternative is all the proof needed.
Every other road on the route between Holloway Road and Kentish Town Road is residential too and yet there are no other choruses of complaints.
What is different about Leighton Road residents? Traffic is inherently noisy, and London is a city. We had a bus garage in our street for years, so the double-deckers thundered past, but I was sorry when the garage was replaced by housing.
Harmood Street NW1