We’ll fight to keep sport
• IN response to your article (Fears sports centre to go private, March 12) concerning the Talacre Community Sports Centre, Kentish Town.
On Sunday March 1, I went to watch my son, aged 10, and his fellow gymnastic squad members compete at the London regional qualifiers competition in Harrow. The squad represents Camden and Camden should be very proud.
Not only do these boys train long and hard, show dedication, discipline and focus but they have talent that is being nurtured thanks to the expertise of gymnastic coaches Alex Pakrah, Steve Russo and Ivan Pastore.
The boys were triumphant and came home to Camden with a total of 16 medals. Six boys made it into the regional squad and will be representing London in the national qualifiers, held in Newcastle this May.
None of this would be possible if it were not for Talacre Community Sports Centre.
There are random figures of job cuts within the gymnastic staff, with a mention of 11 jobs to be deleted. Has anyone at Camden Council stopped to consider that this absurd figure of job losses will mean at worse loss of all gymnastic staff and therefore closure of gymnastics totally, and at best, loss of children from the gymnastic classes due to lack of ratio between children and adults legally required per class? Ultimately this leads to less revenue for Talacre and presumably profit is part of Camden Council’s issue in the first place?
Recreational gym classes are hugely popular. Talacre is a hive of activity for babies, toddlers, children, teenagers and adults; it already provides what the council claim is their priority “high quality, value-for-money sports facilities for our residents”. While the government pushes its Fit for Life campaign, exercise for children has become a major priority. Statistics for childhood obesity and associated health issues are rising, lack of physical exercise is a major contributing factor to such concerns. Why on earth would Talacre, with its fabulous staff and sports facilities not be top of priority for investment by the council?
With the 2012 Olympics fast approaching, this is an ideal time for encouraging youths to abandon “street culture”’ get focused and divert energy into something positive and rewarding such as sport.
For the children lucky enough to already attend Talacre, they deserve investment, not to become victims of paper-shuffling ignorance.
The regular users of Talacre alongside the local community will fight to keep it that way.
Canfield Gardens, NW6
A travesty
• MY son is fortunate enough to be a member of Camden boys gymnastic development squad and has trained at Talacre four times a week for three years.
Under the guidance of the excellent coaches Alex, Steve and Ivan he has progressed at a phenomenal pace and has achieved along with his team-mates a fantastic array of medals in regional competitions gaining qualification to the British national finals.
I cannot believe Camden Council is considering selling off Talacre to Greenwich Leisure Ltd (GLL) and proposing to cut gymnastic coaches.
It would be a travesty if this young talent were to go to waste with 2012 approaching. Surely this is the time to invest in Britain’s future.
Jacqui Sesto
Grafton Road, NW5
• YOU reported (March 12) on two issues that were closely linked.
First was the tragic news of the loss of Alan Walter which has come as a huge blow to all who knew him. .
The second was about proposed cuts by Camden Council in its sports service, especially to the wonderful
Talacre sports centre.
The sad link between the two articles is simple – if Alan was still with us he would have written this letter.
He would be leading the campaign to save jobs in the Camden gym club and to fight the privatisation of Talacre. He would be urging everyone who understands the need to provide young people with quality services to get active in defence of what has been developed at Talacre over the past few years.
He would be putting pressure on the councillors who talk up their commitment to young people then allow cuts to one of their flagship services.
Perhaps we can build the campaign to increase provision for our young people rather than see it cut. That would be a fitting tribute to Alan.
Balmore Street, N19
Who profits?
• I WAS extremely concerned to read about the proposed transfer of Talacre sports centre to the private company, GLL.
GLL would obviously operate Talacre on a profit-based system which will have a devastating effect on the quality of gymnastics teaching and other sports provision currently provided at Talacre.
The loyalty and enthusiasm which underpins the success of Talacre gymnastics could be lost.
Camden Council puts all this at risk for profit?
It is time that both national and local government realise that sometimes quality must be made a priority.
We must ensure that the success of Talacre gymnastics endures for the sake of our community and not just for the pockets of Camden Council and a private company.