Some ‘baby buggies’ are built like 4x4s and should be banned
• I WAS infuriated on reading your letters on March 5 about push chairs and baby buggies.
I drive a bus and am appalled at the way some women and men with push chairs treat us drivers.
We as drivers are responsible for all our passengers’ safety, not just people with push chairs built like 4x4 cars, but for comfort and safety of all passengers.
Your correspondent D Hudson got it right. Some of these so-called buggies are the size of a small 4x4 vehicle. It’s ridiculous to think they should be allowed on buses. They try to board with a buggy loaded with six or seven bags of shopping and a small child, and seem to think that because they choose to have a baby the world has to get out of their way.
It is a concession not a right for buggies to be carried, and if the driver feels it is unsafe for them to ride, then we have every right to refuse. There is a misconception that we have to allow two buggies on board and there are signs posted that at busy times buggies may need to be folded. During rush hours why not have them folded before trying to board?
Before the advent of one-person operated buses, no unfolded buggies were allowed.
Maxine McCarthy says it all, she even calls her buggy a pram, so it is very obviously built like a small 4x4.
Ladies and men, get a grip. If you want to travel on buses with a push chair then buy a small baby buggy from the likes of Argos for about £25 to £35. And stop moaning. But if you have to have a status symbol 4x4 buggy then use a taxi, and stop complaining about bus drivers and other passengers who just want to get to work.
Highgate Road, NW5