Invitation to tenants
• ANY readers who are private tenants are invited to a conference on March 25.
The theme will be “Supporting the good, driving out the bad” by improving standards in Camden’s private rented sector.
We have some high-profile speakers lined up including the minister responsible for the private rented sector, Camden Council’s executive member for housing Chris Naylor and Julie Rugg, the co-author of the recently- published Rugg Review.
Although it will focus on Camden it will be of general relevance as well. We have set time aside for private tenants to ask questions of the speakers and to have a good discussion about the issues.
We have also kept the cost of attending low to encourage as many private tenants as possible to attend. If you pay £10 this will include a year’s membership of the organisation; otherwise it will be just £5, and you can’t get much for that in these difficult times.
For more information or to book a place, call 020 7383 0151 or email rtaylor@cfpt.org.uk Alternatively check out www.cfpt.org.uk
Organiser, Camden Federation of Private Tenants, NW1