Trees a sign of a society’s health
• I WAS pleased to see CL Shanks’s letter raising questions about the treatment of
street trees in Camden (Brutal cuts to trees, February 19).
It is very important that these trees be allowed to flourish properly and flower. They are crucial to the ecosystems of our streets, in addition to their aesthetic qualities.
Street trees, in areas where front gardens are small or turned into parking lots, provide the only mitigation from the effects of air pollution caused by excessive vehicle use. They are the last hope for what remains of biodiversity in the borough.
Camden Council perhaps needs reminding that the whole borough is an air quality action zone, in recognition that ambient levels of nitrogen oxides regularly exceed safe limits, everywhere.
Street trees are an important indicator of an area’s prosperity. Healthy street trees and vehicles parked at the kerb indicate a society that takes some pride in itself.
Where the trees have been reduced to stumps and cars litter the pavements, community values are not likely to be very strong.
So, Camden, let’s have no more messing with our street trees. In fact, why not resurrect the old tree wardens scheme, so that local people can take an active part in ensuring that their trees remain beautiful and valuable?
James Brander
Hadley Street, NW1 |