Following the French
• THE economic crisis that rocked the banks is now claiming thousands of jobs across Europe every day.
Working people are rightly worried about their future.
If you wear a bowler hat, there is a bail-out, but if you wear a hard hat then it’s the dole queue.
As trade unionists in and central London we support all those workers fighting back against the effects of the recession.
The unofficial action taken by construction workers last week shows that there is resistance, but the slogan “British jobs for British workers” targets the wrong people.
It is the employers and contracting firms who are to blame, not migrant workers.
Years of neo-liberal policy, privatisation and “contracting out” supported by Brown, Blair and Mandelson have created this crisis and those who have lined their pockets with profits should be made to pay.
We should follow the example of French workers striking against Sarkozy’s “reforms”, and Irish workers occupying Waterford Glass in defence of their jobs. It is unity between workers that can ensure well-paid jobs and decent conditions for all.
Steward Camden Housing UNISON
Anna Owens
Branch Organiser Euston PCS
Jim Wolfreys
President King’s College UCU
Rob Jackson
Member Camden UNISON
Ben Sprung
Camden FBU