We’re patients not customers
• WHY isn’t the money that is available in the National Health Service being spent on the existing GPs surgeries to improve the facilities to the public and opening times for working people, the taxpayers?
If this was done for local surgeries that are only able to offer certain services within certain hours, the service would be vastly improved.
As it is the local GP surgeries are offering all that is humanly possible to their patients, doing an admirable job, along with forging a caring, secure and trusting relationship with their patients.
We want this to continue, in the way the NHS has been run for the past 60 years.
We are not customers, we are patients. When we are ill, we need continuity from a doctor that knows us – our medication, our history, feelings, fears, psychological emotional and the vulnerability that comes with age and ill-health.
We should feel secure in the knowledge that everything possible is being done for us.
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