The only way out of this mess is to engage Hamas in dialogue
Leslie Baruch Brent, onetime child refugee from Hitler’s Germany whose family was murdered by Nazis, protests: ‘I am a Jew. Stop this ghastly slaughter, Israel’ > more |
Real answers to economic crisis will be found in public debate
FISCAL injections into the economy are important if the effects of the recession are to be softened. But, quite inescapably, the question remains: What will be done to create jobs in the face of quickly growing dole queues?
This may have been easier to answer in the old days when Britain had a mixed economy where several industries were owned by the state. > more
Fearing the impact of Israel’s actions - HOW will Israel’s use of indiscriminate and overwhelming force in Gaza impact upon us in Camden? > more
Fight threat to close St Luke’s - I WAS shocked to read of the proposed closure of St Luke’s Hospital which, though based in Muswell Hill, is used by Camden... > more
High Street a disgrace - COMPLAINTS about the gloom of Camden High Street (Letters, January 8) need answering not only by the Camden Town Unlimited but by... > more
No points for baby - WE read with interest the article “Meet the family of six struggling to breathe in a two-bedroom flat” (January 8). > more
Closure effects may be serious - CAMDEN’S street policy department is considering a series of road closures and no-entries in Dartmouth Park, in order to disrupt... > more
‘Manifesto’ - THE letter from Abbi Greene (No midwinter cheer for our gloomy High Street, January 8) refers to Camden Town Unlimited as “self-appointed” and suggests... > more
Julien: may he laugh and sing - I HAVE written an elegy for my dear late friend Julien Gross whose obituary you carried (December 31). > more
Big Brother? - IS Big Brother watching and listening?
Sinister new devices are going up all over Camden in Red Lion Square and... > more
• Why were these children born into these terrible conditions by parents who knew the situation they would have to live in? In this day and age, they could have practised birth control.
G Gilbert
Grove End Road, NW8
Honour MPs
• NAME the three unnamed West Hampstead paths (Am I in Thingy Street or is it Wotsit Lane? January 8) after local MPs, past and present. Thus Brooke Lane, Finsberg Lane, Jackson Lane.
Gerald Holm, NW3
To be a Pilgrim
• I HOPE no one took seriously the totally fictitious account of how Pilgrim’s Lane got its name (The generation game, December 31).
Rick Hogben,
Pilgrim’s Lane, NW3 |