Insane idea to allow cyclists in to mow down tots
• ANDREW Boxer (Cycle cops, Letters December 11) said cyclists are going to be allowed to use the Broad Walk in Regent’s Park.
What insanity! I was in the park the other day, ambling along the Broad Walk, while little tots were running about free, their mothers without a care as they knew that they were safe.
Now mothers will have to keep them at their side so they do not get run down by cyclists, the innocent adventures of children stopped. Gone forever!
Years ago I remember nannies pushing their charges in prams or sitting on a bench with other nannies passing the time of day, while the infants excitedly played within their sight. The nannies disappeared, replaced by mothers and children enjoying the peace, freedom and safety of the park.
Then came roller blades. The danger was perceived by the park authorities and they were banned.
Then skateboards came, terrorising everyone, and banned.
Now cyclists hurtling along, weaving in and out of the children and walkers, are to be allowed?
Children and adults get knocked down on the pavement by cyclists every day. Our only refuge was the park. Now this is to be taken from us.
Hampstead Road, NW1