Our peaceful park is no place for noisy children
• NEW Journal readers may wish to look at plans in Waterlow Park to build a children’s playground there.
I am not opposed to making playgrounds for children but I am emphatically opposed to making them in Waterlow Park. Sir Sydney Waterlow, the banknote printer, gave us his gardens as gardens for the gardenless. Camden’s proposal will entirely change the use of his garden, now ours, by building a children’s playground in the park.
If it’s a good playground it will be noisy, it will need staff to maintain it and, in our present state of fear for minors, other staff to protect the children.
All this will alter our garden from a quiet peaceful place into a noisy playground.
If Camden wants to build a children’s playground find another place, a noisy, lively, safe place to put it in.
Don’t spoil our lovely, peaceful quiet garden. Meantime would you, Camden, please return the birds to the aviary.
Laurier Road, NW5