Meeting the needs of the community
• A STEERING group of West Hampstead residents has been working on what a new community association for this area could be and how we set it up.
We are now inviting local residents to come to a meeting on December 12 to form the new association. The meeting will take place in the Community Hall, Broomsleigh Street, starting at 7.30pm.
The name we are using is The Community Association for West Hampstead.
The collapse of the West Hampstead Community Association earlier this year has left a significant gap .
The steering group has been talking to local people about their ideas for an association.
We have distributed a questionnaire to most homes in the area and these are now flooding back in with lots of interesting ideas and comments.
At the meeting on December 12 we will describe the new community association, present a summary of the returned questionnaires, and an outline programme, put forward a constitution for adoption and select a committee.
Our aim is to collaborate with all sections of the community in West Hampstead.
We welcome the support we have received from residents and look forward to meeting everyone on the 12th for a constructive dialogue about the new association.
Steering Group Member
The Community Association for West Hampstead, NW6