Companies are ‘trading in life and death’ over pill prices
A BLOOD cancer patient who spent eight months fighting for the right to be given a “wonder drug” has urged drug firms to slash their eye-watering prices. > more |
Investigators pore over books of charity behind £22m revamp at hostel
Arlington House project faces handover of historic building and probe into its landlord
THE Housing Corporation has launched an investigation into... > more |
Police tell man to ‘bag up’ found knife - POLICE advised a man who found an eight-inch knife in a flowerpot outside his Fitzrovia home to bag it up and bring it in... > more
Plumbers forced to pass on £33 parking costs to customers - PLUMBERS are feeling the first bite of Camden’s dramatic 267 per cent hike in the cost of parking permits. > more
Hospital defends care of woman, 88, who died as a result of fall - A FRIEND of an elderly woman who died after falling off a toilet in the Royal Free Hospital has... > more
Family are forced to delay Muslim burial - THE Town Hall has ordered an urgent review into the way it handles death certificates after a family was made to wait for... > more
Knife-edge win for Lib Dems in poll showdown - TENSIONS between rival parties at the Town Hall have been ramped up after an acrimonious by-election tussle... > more
Noho Square is left in bad shape as brothers pull out - THE controversial Noho Square project has collapsed – the latest victim of the credit crunch – leaving an... > more
Ex-caretaker to resist eviction - A RETIRED caretaker has been threatened with eviction from the estate in which he has worked and lived for 33 years, raising fears... > more
New Journal praised for estate agent fraud investigation - THE New Journal has been highly commended for its investigation into a massive fraud case which... > more
‘Crippling’ bill for pensioner’s baths - A PENSIONER just two months away from her 90th birthday was sent a bill of around £500 for a weekly bath, under new council... > more
Hawley parties - ONE of Camden Town’s most popular pubs opened its doors for the first time in eight months after it was gutted by a fire in February. > more
Slowdown to mean ‘tough choices’ - RECESSION will be much worse than most people think and residents and the council must adjust to prevent businesses going... > more
At 86, the peace bride is still doing her bit to help war veterans - SHE survived a “gas chamber”, helped shoot down enemy aircraft and became the first British... > more
Traders pitch in on hamper appeal - GENEROUS traders at Camden Market collected so much money for the New Journal Christmas Hamper Fund they could not lift... > more
Safety fears stop charity’s gym service - A CHARITY that takes 100 teenagers a week to a Gospel Oak gym has stopped the service over health and safety fears... > more |