Green spaces
• I CAN understand the frustration of Russell Lock and Anthony Richardson having to witness the erosion of our green spaces because of the power delegated to officers (When exactly does a simple shed become a mini-house? October 30).
In our case at Rydal Water, Hampstead Road a commercial development took place where officers working for a charity, the West Euston Partnership, whose raison d’être is the regeneration of the area, engineered the application which was supported by an officer in the housing department and arbitrated upon by an officer in the planning department.
Despite objections of residents, and this being against the unitary development plan, at no stage were the interests of residents taken into consideration; neither were we allowed to present our case to our elected representatives on the development control committee.
One has to ask the question, what purpose do our representatives serve when officers make the decisions?
Danny Gallivan, NW1 |