I crossed firth, but swim prize still there for the taking
• MANY thanks to John Gulliver for his colourful description of my eight-mile swim across Hell’s Mouth, otherwise known as the Pentland Firth (Frank’s ferocious four hours in the freezing firth, September 18).
I would like to clarify one important point, though.
While I swam from the Orkney Isles across the Pentland Firth and round to the north east coast of Scotland, rogue tides and darkness stopped me from actually swimming into the shore.
This means that, while I crossed the firth, I can’t claim to be the first person to swim from Orkney to Scotland, which is a prize that is still there for the taking.
I’d also like to thank the manager and staff at the Parliament Hill Lido, who make the pool a great place to swim, and train all year round.
Address supplied, NW5 |