By-election machine moves on… but we hope to chat
• THANKS to the New Journal for its coverage of the Hampstead Town
I wanted to write to thank everyone who voted for me last week, as well as those who voted for one of the other three main parties.
I hope that the hateful BNP has now got the message to get out of Hampstead and never come back.
This has been a hard-fought race and I wanted also to congratulate Linda Chung as she takes her place alongside councillors Kirsty Roberts and Chris Knight who are already working so hard for our community.
Linda will, I know, forgive me if I wish her a short tenure on Camden Council. I will, of course, be scrutinising how well she makes good on her promises.
The four candidates from the main parties have enjoyed good relations throughout the campaign and we have grown to like and respect one another despite our political differences.
We are fortunate to have fought to represent a very special place which we all want to stay that way.
Your readers may, therefore, be interested to learn that Larraine Revah (Labour) and I have already suggested that we meet Linda to chat about what we see as the issues facing Hampstead today. We hope that Anya Reeve (Greens) can join us too.
So now the by-election machine moves on to Kentish Town.
The residents of Hampstead can breathe a sigh of relief that their evenings will be undisturbed by the door-knocking of canvassers; their weekend streets left uncluttered by our stalls; their recycling bins unfilled by our leaflets. During by-election time at least, Arizona is not perhaps such a dismal prospect after all.
Conservative candidate, NW3