For the cynical, there are no ambitions like political ones
The days of great local government have passed, and the Town Hall is now seen as a career stepping stone rather than a service to the community, writes Gerry Harrison
THE news that two... > more |
Save money by all means: but don’t cut corners
MONEY, money, money – it makes the world go round at least at such state institutions as the National Health Service (NHS).
Hospital accountants just cannot stop crossing out items on the balance sheets.
It was this – however understandable – mania that drove Whittington Hospital executives to close down their in-house system of archiving... > more
Where does Boris stand on police stations? - IN line with his election pledge to try to tackle crime, Boris Johnson next month assumes... > more
There’s no sense of our local area being left behind - SOME literature being distributed by the Lib Dems promoting Linda Chung as... > more
Expect to be discredited if you dare to stand up for others - WHY is John Gulliver so surprised at the treatment by Camden Council... > more
Heavy-handed way to treat a veteran fighter - WHAT has Camden Council come to? The well-known veteran campaigner... > more
Anyone for nude tennis? - IN reaction to the territorial claims made by the nudist battalion (Forum, September 11), being a regular swimmer... > more
Grumpy bus bully - ON September 3 my little brother and I got... > more
Curb the fight dogs - REGARDING the letter (Let’s have an outright ban on dogs in public parks, September 4), I think that the time has... > more
Doc’s gone, ban stays - TWENTY months after a doctor left Cliff Road, Camden Town, the council has not removed the parking bay... > more
Centre aids confidence - WHY are they trying to undo the work of Castlehaven Community Centre by bringing in cuts... > more
‘For sale’ signs next? - WHEN the Lib Dems told us they would keep council tax bills down, they didn’t say we’d pay for it with huge... > more
Why punish our block? - WE are delighted leaseholders in Grafton Way, Fitzrovia, won their court battle over charges for works now shown... > more |