A myth dispelled? We have to live with reality of funding cut
• COUNCILLORS Keith Moffitt and Janet Grauberg write, regarding Castlehaven Community Centre, that “they want to dispel the myth that the council has cut funding to youth services” (£10m in kitty, but still youth clubs suffer cuts, August 21). We wished they had in relation to our youth club, The Haven. Nothing they wrote actually addressed this cut.
The simple fact remains that Haven Youth Club (located in the second-most deprived area in the borough, within the six per cent most deprived nationally and where more than 30 per cent of the population is under the age of 19) has had its funding cut by Camden Council by £28,000.
As one would expect, a cut of this size, which is more than half the funding, threatens the viability of the club itself.
We think the way forward is for the council to look at this again so there can continue to be a viable and successful youth club in Camden Town and we can continue to provide the much-praised services. We would very much like it to address this issue as well as at least meet us to discuss these problems.
Castlehaven Community Association Board of Trustees