News management for some, tragedy for others
• HOW could David Lee, communications director of Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, reduce the horrific murders committed by Anthony Hardy to an exercise in news management (‘How to handle killing’ advice, August 21)? Mr Lee considers it was bad news and needed to be handled carefully to minimise the damage it might do to his organisation.
It was terrible news for the relatives and friends of Liz Valad, Brigitte MacClennan and Sally White, who were killed by Anthony Hardy but Mr Lee expresses no concern for them except to advise his readers not to offend the relatives of the deceased if they can avoid it.
Those terrible murders struck terror into the minds of many women living in Camden, in particular those who had come into contact with Anthony Hardy while he was treated in one of the hospitals that Mr Lee’s trust runs.
That these terrible slayings can be turned into matter-of-fact daily news management is seriously worrying.
Mr Lee owes an apology to all the women who were so badly affected by those terrible events and that includes many of his own staff.
Oseney Crescent, NW5