We like our green
• AS a concerned resident of Rydal Water I am not only angry that Camden Council are going ahead with the one-stop shop but also worried about the safety aspect of the work that started on August 5.
I thought that any building work that is due to be carried out should have a notice up explaining to employees and the public about health and safety matters, including where and who to go and see if there has been an accident. Also, where the designated safety area is, what the site officer’s name is and where to go if needed.
There is also a growing concern about surrounding fence fixtures not properly attached to the ground, and some poles are protruding up to 4 inches above the ground, which is a health hazard to dogs and their owners, especially at night with insufficient lighting.
I believe that the surrounding fencing is restricting dogs from getting the appropriate exercise and running space.
I thought we were meant to be keeping Camden a greener place and then the council just go ahead and bulldoze a perfectly nice area.
I was born in these flats 41 years ago and my parents have lived here for 50 years.
We, as a community, have won awards in 2008 for the gardening club which has been going for many years, and has grown in strength.
There are a lot of people who have admired the view from the road and surrounding area and look at the beautiful the flowers. How are the people that pass by supposed to see the flowers and trees and appreciate the pride the gardening club have in the hard work?
We are not the only people to feel this way.
If Camden Council took the time to speak to people they would find out we like our green and are saddened by Camden, who seem not to give a damn about our opinion.
I tried to use the one-stop shop before and they seem to only deal with people who need a CV for work, and tell you to go to Citizens Advice Bureau.
Our green spaces are disappearing far too quickly and need saving, even though the council seem to think that this smallish piece of green does not matter.
Now this has happened a number of young children cannot play and cannot attend our barbecues.
Rydal Water, NW1