Libraries service is successful
• IT'S always surprising to read another New Journal article (‘Libraries are on borrowed time’, August 7) claiming Camden’s libraries are in decline when in reality they are a popular and successful service .
Our libraries offer a wide range of books, music, films and games, help people with their information needs and provide learning opportunities that are open to all.
Last year, each Camden resident visited the library an average of 10 times, compared to a UK average of seven visits per head of population.
Some 22 per cent of residents are active borrowing members, again, a figure above the national average.
We spent £652,000 on library stock last year, of which £421,000 went on books, and we have an impressive track record improving our libraries, with more than £4 million spent on renovations and refurbishments.
All Camden libraries are now fully accessible. Since the spring, Swiss Cottage library has been open every Sunday, proving increasingly popular with families and working people.
Our new £67,000 mobile library is also now on the road, giving an improved service for people who can’t get to our main libraries.
And, in partnership with the Exchange Group, a national educational services provider, we launched an open learning centre at Kentish Town library in July.
We continue to adapt our library services to how residents tell us they want to use them. Our recent opening hours consultation received a fantastic response and we expect to announce increased hours soon.
Our libraries really are cause for celebration.
Assistant Director, Culture
Camden Council