Process threatens sports centre forever after
• THE assistant director of planning Anne Doherty is leaving Camden.
Her department’s performance with respect to the Dalby Street affair has caused havoc.
It threatens the future of the Talacre sports centre forever after.
However, she insists that she has done a good job in having assessed carefully the Dalby Street development and the needs of Talacre Gardens and the sports centre and in having consulted all necessary parties before the grant of planning permission (The sports centre’s future is safe, Letters July 24).
Never mind that Talacre Gardens came under threat several times since the inexplicable grant of planning permission to the Dalby Street developer.
The fear of a truck route going through the park has yet to evaporate.
Bits and pieces of Talacre Gardens, without any protection from the planners, have been needlessly threatened over recent times.
Never mind that her department failed to consult properly with those who run the sports centre on a daily basis.
Indeed, we know for a fact that those involved directly with the sports centre were unable to let the
inquiry know of their fears.
Never mind that Sport England, who were a major sponsor of the sports centre to the tune of millions of pounds were not consulted.
We now learn that they are appalled at
this proposal and that they would certainly have opposed it in the strongest possible way had anybody informed them.
Our locality seems to have been cursed with a scheme of astonishing incompetence.
Talacre Road, NW5