Scheme is flawed
• YOUR article (‘Be a sport, tell us what’s going on at leisure centre’, July 17) demonstrates just how Camden officers and council pick and choose.
In this instance, the council went ahead with the seven-storey Dalby Street scheme which will take over vehicular access to the hugely popular Talacre sports centre and threaten its future while not bothering to consult with Sport England. They were one of the major sponsors of those public facilities. The handing over of the sports centre forecourt to a private developer created outrage with residents.
The council said that they had to go ahead with the scheme because officers had recommended that they do.
This even though it was obvious to all who bothered to look into it that the scheme was deeply flawed and would work to the detriment of the amenities at Talacre.
What the council could do now to allay fears over encroachment of Talacre Gardens is to grant it the Town Green status without any further delay.
Mindless political talk about consulting residents only adds suspicions locally as to the motives of the councillors involved.
Talacre Road, NW5