Restoring services
• I UNDERSTAND K McCarthy’s anger at the demise of West Hampstead Community Association, but the letter (Regeneration and the death of a community association, July 10) made several allegations that need correcting .
West Hampstead Community Association (WHCA) was an independent community group set up by local people for local people. It is a great shame it went into insolvency, but this was a decision taken solely by the association’s independent board of directors. The staff were employed by the association.
In June 2007 Camden Council awarded three and a half years funding agreement to over 90 local voluntary organisations to provide important services to the local community, including funding to WHCA. Our concern now is to get services in the area up and running again.
The council’s executive will be asked to agree the process for selecting a new service provider on Wednesday July 23. The successful organisation will operate from community buildings used by WHCA, only one building will be sold, a decision made by the council in March 2008 with the agreement of the WHCA.
Until a new organisation is selected, our community regeneration team will continue to work closely with other groups and organisations in the area to relocate or reprovide services for local people, where possible.
Executive Member for Equalities and Community Development