It’s not about politics, it’s what’s best for all of the children
• AS a Conservative LEA governor of Edith Neville School, I am writing to assure Robin Young that the governing body is not opposing the co-location of our school with Frank Barnes because we are a Labour rearguard.
We are opposing the co-location because we do not consider it to be in the interests of either school.
Details of our objections have been made very clear and public through the New Journal. If he is really perplexed and dismayed, he could either reread recent copies, or I would be happy to forward him a statement of the governors’ position.
I personally am dismayed at the way this dispute is being politicised.
As a Conservative supporter, in the interests of the children of both schools, I am obliged to challenge the party line. I hope that councillors will also do so.
Dartmouth Park Road, NW5