New, modern and progress – empty words
• THE euphoria in some quarters about the St Pancras Channel tunnel link and the Medical Research Centre to be built next to it, is confined to those who do not live here and wouldn’t want to.
As usual the feelings and needs of those who do live in this area are pushed aside as an irrelevance, the words new, modern and progress bandied about as a justification for any scheme that will enhance the standings and egos of those involved who think they are superior to us.
I have been a Londoner all my life and I have seen it being turned in to a playground for tourists, but London is not Oxford Street and the Tower of London, it is a city like any other where ordinary people live and work and try to raise their families with a reasonable standard of living.
These are the people who will bear the brunt of the repercussions of these unnecessary intrusions into our lives, when house prices go up along with rents and those with money decide they will move into the area, using it as a fashion accessory.
As the local population is forced out the council will cash in by selling of the council flats and hundreds of years of community will disappear owing to the worst disease of recent history. Greed.
For several months now the Somers Town People’s Forum has been actively engaged in protests against the MRC, the closure of the post offices and the takeover of GP surgeries by the American company UnitedHealth.
I know many of you will say that it doesn’t do any good to protest, but if we don’t then more of these invasions into our lives will come along, because we have stayed silent.
So I ask all who live in the area from Holborn to Regent’s Park to make the effort to decide for yourselves what you want, instead of having it foisted upon you.
You may not think this affects your area, but this octopus has long tentacles.
Tolmers Square, NW1