Great visit
• WE were disappointed to find no coverage in the New Journal of a stunning visit to Camden that brought six child singers from Abu Dis, their headteacher and a music teacher funded by Camden to visit many schools and youth clubs during Refugee Week.
This was a wonderful and locally based event that was enthusiastically greeted by thousands of local people, with the children visiting – among other places – Camden School for Girls, La Sainte Union School, Netley School, Primrose Hill School, Maria Fidelis School, Coram’s Fields Scouts, Hampstead New Town Woodcraft Folk, Camden Sports at Acland Burghley, Children, Schools and Families at Crowndale Centre, and more.
They participated in a concert at Holy Cross Church, Cromer Street, as well as a youth festival in Hampstead Town Hall. Together with Camden buddies who were given a day off school for the event, they had a celebratory last day in Brighton, and then returned to Palestine.
Some of the Camden children who participated in the event have now said that they want to take the lead on organising a similar event next summer.
Finally, I would like to put the words of one of the songs the children sang (in Arabic):
My land is in pain
It has had enough
We have had enough tragedies and promises and words
Children from schools, bells from the churches and the voice from the minarets
All of them are praying
For there to be peace.
Chairwoman, Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association, NW5