Stop these sanctimonious busybodies ruining things
• AS the left hand of government typically does not know what the right hand is doing, I wonder whether the promoters of the newly announced scheme to have young people become apprentices are aware of the health and safety bureaucracy.
Recently, I was told, a local garage owner wanted to take on a young man to train as an auto mechanic. The health and safety people told him it was unthinkable for such a fragile creature to work the same hours as his employer or to operate heavy machinery.
End of scheme.
Another failing of government is to concentrate on short-term questions and ignore long-term ones.
Here is a long-term question: Where will the next generation of auto mechanics come from? I think we all know the answer – from other countries.
Health and safety people are in the same category as the ones who brought us the useless Home Information Packs and criminal records checks for anyone, even a 60-year-old grandmother, who wants to get within 20 feet of a child.
Until we reform this cadre of ignorant, sanctimonious busybodies, who judge their usefulness by the number of people they can stop from doing something, we will be undermining our economy and society.
Roderick Road, NW3