Fighting for Baylie
• I WAS saddened to read of the plight of the Fennelly family and their son Baylie (My child is being denied an education, June 19).
Any child without a satisfactory education can have their prospects damaged and this stigma may stay with them forever.
What is clear is that Baylie has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
I assume he is on the special educational needs register? If he is, is he statemented or is he on one of the stages, for example, School Action Plus?
Lisa Fennelly’s plea that she had to “fight” for home tuition will ring true for many parents that have had dealings with the council’s education department.
I believe that Ms Fennelly has not heard from the council since Christmas. This beggars belief, as the problem is not going to disappear. If there is one thing that parents in this situation find difficult to take, it is when a council press officer states that everything is being done and there is no problem. Same old line for the newspaper and parents are made out that they are just causing a fuss.
I would like to offer Ms Fennelly some options. If she has not done so already, contact the Advisory Centre for Education on 0808 800 5793. If she has access to a computer, their web-site address is: www.ace-ed.org.uk/ and they have publications that she can download. If she is unhappy with the service provided by the council, she can complain directly to the council.
My best wishes to Baylie and I hope that he finds a school and receives the appropriate assistance, very soon.
Broxwood Way, NW8