Camden’s wall game
• WHY does a council promote children’s sport, then make climbing prohibitively expensive?
My daughter, aged 12, has been going to climbing lessons at Swiss Cottage Centre for a year. The group and the teachers are friendly and supportive, and every week she learns more climbing skills. She enjoys taking exercise and pays the reasonable price of £3.25 for each session. This week she was told that the price of one-off sessions was to be increased to £10.50 – three times the previous price. Without consultation, a new company has been allowed to take over the wall: “Climb London has been brought into GLL to manage the climbing facilities in a more effective and structured way.”
Yet the classes are already effective and structured. The climbing wall at Swiss Cottage is a community facility, built with council taxpayers’ money to benefit the residents of Camden. It looks as if it has been semi-privatised in order to make more profit.
And the children of Camden (who will no longer be able to afford it) will be the ones who suffer.
Lawford Road, NW5