Drug users know where the action is
• WHAT does one have to do to get the police of Camden to respond to a call for help?
As the summer rolls in, so do the drug dealers along Regent’s Canal. For some days, the crack dealers and their clientele have been out in full force offering better opening hours than Woolworths.
Believe me – I have video tape documenting the selling purchasing and using of what appears to be a sordid collection of crack, pot, and other liquid alternatives.
Over three days I contacted the police via non-emergency and 999 a half dozen times.
They seem to prefer congregating around Camden Tube with the obvious sniffer dogs, rather than responding to actual calls for help with documented footage of illegal activities. I have even been chastised on two occasions being told that calling more than once “makes the problem seem worse than it is”, and that reporting selling drugs “ties up the phone lines”.
Well, police, if you’d shown up when I reported this illegal activity, I wouldn’t have had to keep calling back!
Who do you have to call to prod the police to leave Camden Tube and come where the action is? I got news for them: It is along Regent’s Canal every night between 5pm and 10pm. How come they don’t seem to know that when a robust clientele certainly does.
If you don't believe me, ask the five-year-old girl and her younger brother who live across from me about the guys sucking on those funny glass pipes...
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