Comic deserving of a plaque
• AS one of the founders of the Dead Comics Society (now called the British Comedy Society) I was involved in the placing of the plaque at Marlborough House when Barbara Windsor and Norman Wisdom did the honours.
On hearing last year of the proposed demolition of the property I contacted British Land who willingly agreed to keep the plaque safe, and to discuss a new location for it as part of the redevelopment.
We are therefore looking forward to a second unveiling once the redevelopment of the site is finished.
We founded the DCS because we felt that British comedians richly deserved more and earlier recognition than the rules of English Heritage allow for.
No one has a monopoly on putting up plaques; all that is needed is the consent of the owner of the property, and, in some cases, the local authority.
The BCS entirely agrees that Kenneth Williams was one of the greats and deserves continued recognition.
If English Heritage decide to put up a plaque in Marchmont Street (Stop messin’ about and honour one of our greatest actors! May 15) or elsewhere we will be delighted and are glad to support Councillor Jonathan Simpson's campaign.
John Gatenby
Hon Treasurer
The British Comedy Society
Langbourne Avenue, N6