Brown must go back to old Labour roots
The economic downturn requires a radical policy rethink and could mean the end of neo-liberalism, writes Bernie Moss
LABOUR supporters are deserting the party because of feelings of insecurity in the face of higher food and energy... > more |
Brown must invest and build his way out of gloom and bust
ONCE Gordon Brown boasted he had put an end to “boom and bust” in the economy.
Now, faced with a struggling economy, his mantra is no longer heard.
But yesterday (Wednesday) in his address to Parliament he returned to another favourite expression – helping to put young people on the “bottom rung of the housing ladder”. > more
Will grubby fingers get hold of residential care homes? - JUST before Christmas 2007 my wife sustained a serious stroke. > more
TfL has brought about bus revolution - COUNCILLOR Paul Braithwaite portrays Transport for London (TfL) as a “dinosaur” without redeeming features. > more
Terror is no new import, so why go for 42 days detention? - LABOUR governments in power since 1997 have been denigrating all the labour values the Labour... > more
We could ban noisy schoolchildren from our libraries - IN April reports appeared in The Times about the complaints of users of the British Library disturbed by the... > more
Prescription for disaster - I WRITE to back Macmillan Cancer Support’s campaign for free prescriptions in England. > more
How can the Post Office ignore the views of so many people? - SO the government’s “consultation” on the future of our post offices has ended and the conclusions... > more
We’ve made sure all are welcome at the evening with Michael - FURTHER to Keith Armstrong’s letter (Sorry Mr Palin, as a wheelchair user it seems I must... > more
Who can destroy a landmark? - WHO has so much power that they are able to destroy a London landmark with impunity, and against the wishes of the public... > more
Not heard of the net curtain? - I SOMETIMES think your excellent paper should be called the CMJ – the Camden Moan Journal! > more
Thanks for good sounds, food, wine and company - FOR those of you who missed it, Pam Gilby and the South End Green Association arranged a high quality choral... > more
A project out of keeping with Heath - WHEN Sir Simon Jenkins stated: “Planning is the distribution of short-term market forces in the cause of long-term civilised... > more
Use any GP? - AS far as the Adelaide Medical Centre is concerned, the sooner it is privatised the better. > more
Nanny state? - SO Deputy District Judge McCormack made the order not to have the Gospel Oak family ousted (Judge stops bid to evict young kids, May 8). > more |