Response to anti-social behaviour ‘more joined up’
• OVER the last two years I’ve worked with a great many amazing people – from council officers and police officers to the many members of Camden’s community who do so much to make their neighbourhoods safer, stronger and happier.
It’s been a privilege to work with all these people, and to serve Camden as executive member for community safety.
As we reach the half-way point of this administration we’ve done what we said we’d do and more: Camden has the greatest reductions in violent crime and overall crime across the whole of London.
We’ve carried out the UK’s first proper review of anti-social behaviour powers and delivered an extensive anti-social behaviour action plan.
The community safety team is stronger, and the council’s response to crime and anti-social behaviour is more joined up and effective across different services and with partners such as the police, the courts and the probation service.
Though there are certainly a lot of problems remaining, I’ve no doubt that Camden is a safer place than when we started, and that we are better equipped to face the challenges ahead.
I think it is very important that local politics is open to everyone, and that those in power know when to move on to new challenges instead of hanging on to power for its own sake.
For me, that time has come: I’m proud of what we’ve achieved, but there are many other things that I would like to work on as a councillor – supporting Camden’s first youth council and ensuring our young people have the best possible opportunities; supporting and encouraging people to walk around Camden; promoting Camden’s unique vibrancy and culture – as well as a lot of work to be done in my ward.
I look forward to these challenges, and to supporting my successor Councillor James King in continuing to make Camden an even safer place to be.
Cllr Ben Rawlings
Executive Member for Community Safety