Advice and support available for vulnerable
• AS readers of your Letters pages know, many older Camden residents feel their lives are being made harder – with post offices due to close, the reduction or withdrawal of care packages for some, and the introduction of charges for many receiving homecare, along with costs of living on the increase.
Age Concern Camden can help. Our advice and support team can provide a complete benefits check to ensure that people receive the money to which they are entitled, and we can support them in accessing health and adult social care packages.
We can also help people in reviewing their care charges – we can look at the extra costs people have because of their disabilities, and see if they can be offset against the charges.
For many, this can mean a reduction in the care charge they pay.
Anybody interested in having a welfare benefits check or wanting help with care charges can contact us for assistance. Our service is free, confidential and independent.
In the past year, Age Concern Camden raised more than £480,000 in benefits and grants on behalf of clients.
We have also recently set up a consultation action group which will be a strong voice for older people in Camden, campaigning and influencing change.
If you have an issue you would like us to campaign on, please do contact us on 020 7837 3777.
John O’Gorman
Advice and support team leader